Testimonies from the Past

"Imagine! This little piece of paper could make all the difference in someone's eternal destiny!" (Maria Zelia Brandon)


“We launched an evangelistic effort to reach 25,000 souls for Christ and had no Spanish tracts. I used them to reach those who spoke Spanish. It is great!”
Norma J. S., Dallas, Texas, USA.

“Your tracts inspired me to make up some for my church. Members of the outrech team thought they were great. Kick out of Life! I think your doing a good job. Keep it up!”
Rev. Ernest F. J., Stratford, Connecticut USA.

“Your site seems to be one of the better Christian sites that I have encountered.”
Michael S., Miami, Florida, USA.

“We did download the tracts, several of them in fact, and used them in a Carnival outreach in Buzios, Rio de Janeiro. Since this is an international vacation site, we used Spanish and English copies, as well as Portuguese. They were very well received by the public. They weren't discarded, but were often read carefully. These are a great resource for ministry in the various languages in which they are printed.
“I appreciate the tools that you made available to us. I hope they will remain available. I have recommended them to others, too. They meet real needs when people are looking for something to use in an international setting.”
Pr. Thomas E. (Tom) H., Jr, Niterói, Brasil.

“I downloaded one about God and one about the football story. I used the second one during a kids club event based on the Olympic games. Response was great as the youngsters liked the cartoon.”
Erik C., Eastbourne, East Sussex, England.

“I like your tracts! We used them for a mission trip by our church to Costa Rica. I served as a missionary in Costa Rica for 12 years, had used your tracts before, and found them to be well accepted. One of my favorites was the soccer ball one. The personal story is also good. I tend to like the less "typically evangelistic" ones and prefer the more low-key ones. There are plenty of the "hard-sell" type, but few truly readable ones! I find that non-Christians are more likely to read an attractive, interesting Christian text that includes the salvation message rather than an overtly evangelistic tract that lists scripture passages and warnings against hell!”
Sue S., Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA.

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